Our Pastor

Our Pastor...

Rev. Paul Ibisch, Pastor 
Phone 920-878-3001

Pastor Paul Ibisch is a believer in all that God has said in the Holy Bible.  He is a caring shepherd for our congregation who loves God and God’s people. He has over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry earning his Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern Lutheran College and a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 1981.

Pastor now serves our congregation full time along with the dual parish of St. Peter’s in Winchester Township. His first call to ministry was in the Detroit, Michigan area, serving Zoar Evangelical Lutheran Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension for nine years.  While there, he and his wife, Lisa had four of their six children.  Pastor Ibisch and his family then moved to Illinois, where he served Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Marquette Heights, IL, and then Peoria, IL for five years.  His next call was to First Evangelical Lutheran Church in La Crescent, Minnesota, where he and his wife had their last two children.    

Throughout the years Pastor has established new outreach programs in his congregations including: one preschool, two childcare centers, three college campus ministries, three retirement center ministries, a Christmas charitable outreach to the Hmong, and a Jesus Cares Ministry to the developmentally disabled.  He has served on numerous boards like the Michigan Chapter of WELS Lutheran for Life, president of the La Crosse Chapter of Lutherans for Life, and the Board of Control for Luther High School (Onalaska, WI). He has also served as officer for several circuits of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society.

“It is an awesome responsibility to serve the St Paul parish with God’s Word and Sacraments.  By God’s grace alone, I am happy to accept this divine call and ask your prayers that God enables me to serve to His glory and for your eternal good.”   -- Pastor Paul Ibisch